Future of Food, Mise Journal and Your Next Restaurant Concept

3.2022 Edition

What's up Reader?

Well, we're 2 weeks into the start of the year...how's it going so far?

I was supposed to spend the weekend with family, however a COVID scare prompted us to cancel the trip...which makes me sad because now I can't spend my weekend eating way too many sweets and playing with my new nephew (he's 4 months old).

I also just turned 30 🎂 and I didn't announce that in last week's newsletter because I was so excited to talk about chefs in Web3 🤓

I want to spend this monologue extending a warm thanks to you if you're reading this 🙏❤️ and open up the replies to this email for your feedback.

We wanna know: how can we make The 80/20 Edge Newsletter something you're even MORE excited to read every week?

More stuff to read?

More content suggestions to watch?

More psychology and mental models?

More lessons in business?

More technique deep dives?

Less of anything? Even eliminating a section entirely because you find yourself scrolling right past it?

More curated gear sales?

More focus on a specific sector of the industry?

I wanna hear your thoughts and suggestions, because if we're being honest: I know everything in this newsletter already...I write it every week for you, not for me...I mean the monologues are kinda for me, but I write them for you 😉

And so, in my mind, the more value I can pack and distill into each edition for you, the better. So reply to this email, I'll be reading every single response. Thanks for reading ❤️

Highlights from the week to share 💥

To Read 📚

Is the ‘Future of Food’ the Future We Want? - Food delivery services are on the rise. In fact, more people are choosing to order dinner than go grocery shopping. Restaurants have to figure out how to not be left in the dust when more people than ever have downloaded delivery apps.

Pro tips for taking flattering food photos in any setting - Jim is a talented internet friend of mine and he’s so good at being scrappy and raw in his style. If you’re thinking about getting into content in 2022 for yourself or your business, this might help.

To Binge 📺

David Kinch’s Green Garlic Custard - I’m re-watching a lot of these old (4-5+ years) YouTube videos to see some of the techniques that were popular at the time, and I’m reminded that there’s a wealth of knowledge from high-caliber kitchens out there. I’d love to film a series like this someday where chefs are encouraged to dig into specific details and inspirations from their project/background vs “slap meat” or be "performative".

Sam Harris on Your Thoughts - This presentation is long, but if you’ve been struggling to find “peace from mind” lately or even “failed” previously at meditation, Sam was the red pill for me. Even watching at 1.25-1.5x speed, this is worth the 45-60 minutes of your weekend, and I’d encourage everyone to check out his Waking Up App (👈one week free for you, no benefit to me)

To Peep 👀

Mise Journal from Chef Philip Speer - A new journal made for chefs, cooks, bartenders and hospitality professionals to meet their specific needs - do any of you folks have this yet?

Beethoven’s Movement Mastery - A visualization (in an area that’s NOT cooking) that shows the level of “connection to the performance” in real-time. The person playing this is not obsessed with or analyzing every single key-stroke. It’s built over years of muscle memory, over-stretching limits, and intuitively anticipating scenarios. While I hope to give each and every one of you the tools to get to that place FASTER in cooking; you can’t shortcut your way to the final result. Visual here if you aren't on Twitter ⬇️

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December 8th 2021


I asked on Instagram this week who you folks would like to see on the podcast because we're building out the calendar for the next 6 months! If anyone comes to mind, shoot me a DM because the link to the story is expired now.

Current experiment I'm running 🧪

Regardless if you’re Android or iOS, the Google Calendar app is my current favorite for multiple reasons. Between the home-screen widget functionality, ability to sync with my inbox without as many dropped notifications and better integrations with 3rd party tools, it’s the easy choice.

However, I’m trying out the “Goal” feature in the app this week because I’m frustrated with a few key habits that I’d like to have on my calendar, but don’t always make it on there.

The best part is that you just tell the calendar how many times/week you’d like to “do the thing”, and it finds space on your cal for you that might fit. 30 min after the time, it asks “did you do it?”, and you get the satisfaction of “checking off” the action.

Way more fun than just watching a calendar appointment go by, if you ask me.

I’m using it for gym sessions and walks in the afternoons at the moment, and I’d encourage you to check it out if you’re into building a habit right now AND use Google Calendar already!

Quote I'm Pondering 🤔

If you got value from me this week, I'd appreciate...

...a reply! Two questions I asked in this edition: how can we make this even better for you this year? And: who are some dream podcast guests for you to see on The Emulsion Podcast in 2022?


Photo of the week - BTS on the first B-Roll shoot in the new kitchen happening this week! Editing has started on the Korin Royal-Blue Mahogany line, and I’m excited to share it with you folks in the coming days...

Throwback Video - Today’s Throwback Video is an excerpt from my interview with Christopher Haatuft for The Emulsion Podcast where we discuss the real key points to think about with your next restaurant concept. As my old boss, I particularly enjoyed the bit at the end where he apologizes for being a bit of a d*ck at times 😉
